Catawba Valley Healthcare 20th Anniversary
Catawba Valley Healthcare is a non-profit, independent, community-based center that offers primary care, brain (mental) health, and social support based on a whole person healthcare model.

CVH Client Bill of Rights

Catawba Valley Healthcare

Consumer Bill of Rights

CVH actively promotes, protects, and advocates for the rights of consumers/persons served. As a consumer of CVH, you are guaranteed that you will be treated with respect, dignity, privacy, and receive services in an environment that is humane and safe. This will include freedom from abuse, financial or other exploitation, retaliation, humiliation, and neglect.

As a consumer, you shall retain and exercise the following rights:

  1. The right to be actively involved, participate, and communicate your preferences for all services provided/received, to include expressing your preferences regarding selection and approval of individuals delivering your services.
  2. The right to have qualified service providers and initiate informed choice/consent for all services provided. This shall include service delivery, releases of confidential/protected health information, service delivery team, and consent for involvement in research projects.
    1. Employees are required to explain all paperwork and services in a manner that you can understand. This includes providing you with information regarding the benefit, potential risks, and possible alternative methods of treatment. This shall include the length of time any written consent will be valid and the procedures to be followed if you choose to withdraw consent.
    2. At any time you have the right to ask for information or have questions answered. 
    3. You have the right at any time to refuse treatment/services or withdraw consent for treatment services. A voluntary refusal to consent to services will not be used as the sole grounds for termination or threat of termination from services. 
  3. The right to review service record documentation (as approved by Clinical Operations Director or designee) and receive a copy of your service plan.
  4. The right to have any information obtained during service delivery be held confidential, unless you provide written consent to release information, and/or as required by federal and state law.
    1. As required by NC statute, CVH is required to report all allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation to the local director of the Department of Social Services.
    2. During an emergency, CVH may release information to assist emergency law enforcement, emergency medical personnel, or other entities involved in the emergency situation.
  5. The right to be informed of the qualifications and experience of individuals providing services to you.
  6. The right to exercise all civil rights (unless restricted by a recognized court of jurisdiction). This shall include the right to dispose of property, execute instruments, make purchases, enter into contractual relationships, register and vote, bring civil actions, and marry and get a divorce, unless the exercise of a civil right has been precluded by an unrevoked adjudication of incompetency. This shall not be construed as validating the act of any client who was in fact incompetent at the time he performed the act. This includes access and/or referral to legal entities.
  7. The right to be informed of fee assessment, billing procedures (paper/electronic), and collection practices.
  8. The right to submit a complaint regarding care and services received, or appeal any decision regarding your care or services. Complaint procedures are posted at each location, including the availability of complaint/appeal forms.
  9. The right to know procedures for suspension, expulsion, and transition/discharge from services.
  10. The right to know and understand procedures for search and seizure.
  11. The right to receive services in the least restrictive manner. This includes your understanding of the purpose, goals, and reinforcement structure of CVH’s behavioral management procedures.
  12. The right to be free from unnecessary and/or excessive use of medications. Medication shall not be used for punishment, discipline, or staff convenience. Medications are administered in accordance with accepted medical standards and only upon order of a physician or other prescriber as documented in the record.
  13. Consumer’s that receive services in 24 hour a day settings shall have additional rights to include ¹ ²:
    1. an atmosphere conducive to uninterrupted sleep during scheduled sleeping hours.
    2. accessible areas for personal privacy, for at least limited periods of time, unless determined inappropriate by the treatment or habilitation team;
    3. Each client shall be free to suitably decorate his room, or his portion of a multi-resident room, with respect to choice, normalization principles, and with respect for the physical structure;
    4. Each client shall be assured the right to dignity, privacy and humane care in the provision of personal health, hygiene and grooming care. 
    5. Except as prohibited by law, keep and use personal clothing and possessions under appropriate supervision, unless clothing and possessions are detrimental to the treatment setting. This includes having access to individual storage space for the safekeeping of personal belongings.
    6. Reasonable protection of personal clothing and possessions from theft, damage, destruction, loss, and misplacement, This includes, but is not limited to, assisting the consumer in developing and maintaining an inventory of clothing and personal possessions if the consumer and/or legally responsible person desires.
    7. The right to provide input into facility governance and self-governance groups.
    8. The right to participate in religious worship.
    9. The right to contact and consult with (at own expense) legal counsel, private physicians, private behavioral health professionals of choice. This shall include the right to receive necessary treatment for and prevention of physical ailments based upon consumer’s condition and projected length of stay. The facility may seek to collect appropriate reimbursement for its costs in providing treatment and prevention.
    10. The right to communicate and visit with parents, legal guardians, and/or significant others. 
    11. The right to make and receive confidential phone calls (long distance calls are at consumer’s expense or collect to the receiving party). 
    12. The right to send and receive sealed mail and have access to writing materials, envelopes, stamps, and staff assistance.
    13. The right to have access to and spend a reasonable sum of own money.
    14. Retain a driver’s license, unless otherwise prohibited by Chapter 20 of the general statutes.
    15. The right to have, as soon as practical during treatment or habilitation but not later than the time of discharge, an individualized written aftercare/transition (discharge) plan containing recommendation for further services designed to enable the consumer to live as normally as possible. This plan may not be required when it is not feasible because of an unanticipated discontinuation of a consumer’s treatment.


    If you have any questions about these rights, please speak to any employee involved in your care or contact CVH at (828) 695-5900

    ¹Reference: §122C-62 of NC Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Laws.

    ²No right enumerated in this section may be limited or restricted except by the qualified professional responsible for the formulation of the consumer’s treatment/ habilitation plan.