Catawba Valley Healthcare 20th Anniversary
Catawba Valley Healthcare is a non-profit, independent, community-based center that offers primary care, brain (mental) health, and social support based on a whole person healthcare model.

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Services

Catawba Valley Healthcare has been committed to the healthcare and well-being of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 2005.  

Our team of professionals works closely with individuals and their families to offer compassionate, individualized, and essential services and programs to address the health, socialization, and living needs of IDD individuals, including:  

ACT Team Services

Primary Care Services

Catawba Valley Healthcare Primary Care welcomes new IDD patients. Learn more about our Primary Care Services.

LifeSkills Program

The Catawba Valley Healthcare Life Skills program is a day program that provides independent living skills and pre-vocational training opportunities for individuals with mild to profound intellectual developmental disabilities. The program assists individuals who need help developing essential work, social, and daily living skills. 

Our trained staff evaluate participants’ existing level of functioning and help them build on their skills in a positive, nurturing way that promotes their success.


Group and Supervised Residential Living

Catawba Valley Healthcare offers four residential group homes and services for adults in Catawba county with intellectual or behavioral disabilities:  

These group homes are located in Conover and Maiden.

We staff our group homes 24 hours a day, seven days a week

For more information about our intellectual developmental disabilities residential homes and services, contact us at (828) 465-6130, Monday- Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Mobile Crisis Management

Our Mobile Crisis Management professionals respond to behavioral health emergencies and provide interventions in these crises. Mobile crisis interventions reduce acute symptoms of a behavioral emergency to prevent the admission of an individual to a hospital or other restrictive environment.

Learn more about our Mobile Crisis Management service and how to contact us.

Catawba Valley Healthcare is committed to all the health care needs of IDD individuals in our community. Give us a call today if we can be of service to you or to someone you love: (828) 695-2150.