Catawba Valley Healthcare 20th Anniversary
Catawba Valley Healthcare is a non-profit, independent, community-based center that offers primary care, brain (mental) health, and social support based on a whole person healthcare model.

Getting to know our non-profit leaders – Catawba Valley Healthcare

July 27, 2023


(Read on United Way website here)

Over the next few weeks, the Catawba County United Way will be highlighting the executive, program directors and other non-profit leaders of the CCUW’s funded partner agencies for 2023. Every year, the CCUW looks to partner with local non-profits and help support their programs focused on improving the lives of those in need in the areas of education, financial stability and health.

This week we learn about Tiffany Randazza – Clinical Officer at Catawba Valley Healthcare.  In 2023, the CCUW is helping to fund the agency’s primary care for adults with mental health issues.

  1. What drew you to your current position and working in the non-profit world? 

I have worked in the nonprofit world for 20 years.  I was drawn to Catawba Valley Healthcare, specifically, because of the vast array of programs that are offered under one roof. In the nonprofit world you cannot expect your agency to be able to help your patients with all their needs and community partnerships are crucial; however, I was impressed with CVH’s catalog of services that would enable the people we serve to truly have whole person care.  With my background being in Addiction and Forensic Psychology, I came with a special interest in CVH’s jail services.

However, as most know that Addiction is not an isolated disease and it can be so challenging to be able to connect that population with other much needed services, like Primary care, Psychiatric Medication Management that are integrated to be able to capture the nuances of the care needed. With CVH having all those services working together in addition to a focus on Health Equity, I knew I had to learn more. Once I joined the team and learned that CVH’s breath goes far beyond even that with services for the IDD population with group homes and their Life skills program, residential services for Brain Health/Mental Health and a Psychosocial Rehab.

  1. What is the biggest challenge your agency faces today? 

I do not think that CVH is unique in that the biggest challenge facing us is sustainable and adequate funding. North Carolina has come a long way in prioritizing Brain Health/Mental Health treatment, but there is a long way to go in order for us (not just CVH, but all the local nonprofits) to be able to serve the community to the level that we need. CVH utilizes local and National grant funding to help support some of our programs where state funds and fee for service funds fall short, however those funds (and therefor the much-needed programs) are not guaranteed to continue past the grant funded period.  CVH has primarily served the under insured and uninsured in our community, we have regularly been the safety net for them. CVH takes pride in doing everything we can to provide much needed Primary Care and Behavioral Health care regardless of an individual’s financial situation. With the current struggles in our community from raising inflation, COVID and other social determinants of health, there is an even greater number of people that fall into that category.

  1. How important is collaboration with other non-profits for you? 

Collaboration and partnerships are vital to CVH! We do not try and be everything to everyone we serve, that would be impossible. We also value our community partners and their expertise that they bring. So many of CVH’s program hinges on strong partnerships within the community that if they were not there, we would not be able to do the quality of care that our patients deserve.

I do not believe in trying to reinvent the wheel, so if there is a partner in the community that we can support in order for their program to excel and do better to serve our community, then we will. If there is a need in the community that CVH can fill by pulling resources together with other community partners, then we will work to make that happen. To me, it is all about our community not necessarily CVH. We are just a small part of the larger picture. CVH is where Hope and Help meet.

  1. What does a good day at work look like? 

My favorite days are the ones where we get to celebrate our front-line staff. CVH would be nowhere without our staff that is out there day and night with the people we serve. We have such a compassionate and committed group of staff that I am humbled every day. They often get overlooked and taken for granted. I always look forward to the times when I, and the rest of our leadership team gets to step back from the administration, the paperwork and the politics and we get reminded of who we are actually serving, why we are doing the work we do and show our gratitude to the staff who do it!

CVH has such a wide range of staff from Physicians to Therapist, to Case Managers, to Peer Supports, to group home staff and Office staff. We truly have the ability to connect with our patients from so many perspectives and meet them where they are. Our staff come in everyday with open hearts and are eager to serve our patients and I get excited when I see their passion.

  1. The non-profit world can be stressful. What’s your favorite way to relax? 

My favorite way to relax is being with my family. Watching my kids do something they love, Laughing with my husband, Being outside and hiking or Kayaking with them never gets old. I also feel that there is nothing like taking the long way home with my favorite music, does wonders for the soul.

  1. Have you recently read a book or watched a movie that’s inspired you in some way? If so – title and why?

I love Adam Sandler, so it would have to be Hustle. The courage that Bo Cruz shows in trusting someone he just met and leaving his comfort zone to take a risk that could change his life amazes me. Working in Behavioral Health field, this is something that we ask patients to do every day.


Catawba County United Way